Know how people can be united with Yajurveda

It is often found giving instructions to people older than ourselves that we should always stay in groups. Apart from this, if we want to get success in one's work, if we work in a group, then there are more chances of our success in that work. This is also true to a large extent. If a person adopts the tendency to walk in groups, then a sense of security arises in the mind. It is said that in the kind of personal life that a man has, he must always walk in groups. Those who understand this a little bit also know that human beings get protection in the group itself. It is said that when humans were limited in number on this earth, they used to live in groups to protect their lives from other creatures.

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But as the number of human beings increased, so did the sense of ego within them. In this way, the reason today is that many groups have been formed in the name of nation, language, caste, religion, and varnas, which are followed by other sub-groups. Along with this, the people who are in the hands of the leadership of these groups today use ordinary members for their selfishness. If we talk about the modern era, then many human groups are formed in the name of race, caste, country, language, religion, but there is absolutely no association among them. Meaning that every person in the world wants to use groups but no one wants to make any sacrifice for it. This is the reason why there is a lot of tension in social, political, economic and religious areas all over the world.

If you also rub your feet to clean then read this news The Yajurveda states- Sambhurti f Destruction, Yastvedvedobhayaths. Vinoshen Mishnuate the dead death Spiritualism - One who knows the association is free from the fear of destruction and death. On the contrary, one who does not know it always invites a crisis.

Ni yachhdevaayuvam Sense - We should use such a speech that brings together all the people.

Holding a joint or union in the heart does not mean that we expect cooperation or sacrifice from the members of our group, but leave them with time. Along with this, there was a sense of social unity in our country due to joint families, but now limited family, more inclination towards materiality and self-worship have weakened the feeling of unity. We have accepted the western culture and system as authentic, which runs contrary to nature. The same is our spiritual philosophy which follows the order of individual, family, society and nation whereas in the west it is based on the order of nation, society, family, and individual. At present, our spiritual philosophy also believes that when a person takes care of himself and works for the benefit of society, then that is the real religion. With this, we mean to say that we should work for our happiness as well as for the benefit of the people associated with us.

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