SCO Health Ministers Meet in Astana to Strengthen Collaboration

Health Ministers from countries in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), including India, gathered in Astana recently to strengthen healthcare collaboration. The meeting, attended by delegation leaders, resulted in agreements to improve healthcare systems and support each other in tackling public health issues.

Discussions with India's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare focused on collaborating in medicine and medical device production, technology sharing, and medical education.

Delegation heads from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan emphasized the importance of enhancing partnerships with Kazakhstan, the current SCO chair. Areas of focus include strengthening educational connections, increasing human resources, and exchanging experiences and technologies.

Kazakhstan, as the current SCO chair, will host the Summit in mid-2024. Last year, India chaired the SCO and organized a Conference & Expo on Traditional Medicine. The SCO comprises 9 member states, 2 observers, and 14 dialogue partner countries. India became an Observer at the July 2005 Astana Summit and a full member on June 9, 2017, at the SCO Summit in Astana, Kazakhstan.

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