Secret revealed ! Why you fight most with the people you love ??

We often see the two who fights the most loves the most. And, now it is proved by studies. So many relationship experts gave the reason behind it and we are going to tell you that reasons and surely after reading these you will start loving more to your love ones as well as your next fight will help you to understand relationship better and change your perception towards them...!!!

Check out the reasons below:

1. You never feel fear when you have to speak your mind in front of your partner or sibling because they will neve judge you.

2. The give and take relation, when you out their priority above your and automatically you starts expecting them too.

3. When you are sharing good and friendly relation, than you know very well how to pinch them in an argument because you know their past mistakes.

4.’Honesty' a word which means a lot in every relation and when you are harshly honest with them than there is no place for mercy.

5. It is completely not acceptable when your partner is not giving proper attention. At times, all you need is some extra attention.

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