Security increased in Delhi due to Republic Day, security forces deployed

New Delhi: Tight security arrangements have been made on the occasion of Republic Day in Delhi. In view of the Republic Day celebrations, the entire Delhi has been converted into a fort. A multi-layer security cordon has been built around Central Delhi and Rajpath around the venue. NSG, SPG and ITBP commands have also been deployed to protect the parade and VVIP.

Delhi Police, National Security Guard and paramilitary forces have been deployed for security on Republic Day. In addition to the 22 thousand personnel of Delhi Police, 48 companies of Central Armed Police Force have been deployed. More than 1000 CCTV cameras have been installed on the parade route. Sharpshooters and snipers will be deployed on tall buildings to monitor the eight km long parade route. In Delhi, 10 mobile police control rooms and 10 CCTV control rooms have been set up to maintain surveillance on the main areas. More than 100 cameras have been installed for facial reconnaissance at some main places near the parade route.

In terms of security, several measures have been taken, such as security checks of large establishments, malls and markets in Delhi, increasing petrol in crowded areas. Security has also been increased at metro stations, railway stations, airports and bus terminals. Delhi's borders will be sealed from the night of 25 January.

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