Sesame oil makes hair beautiful and shiny

Beautiful and dense hair put on your personality. Nowadays girls are troubled by problems related to their hair. Due to changing weather, sunlight and pollution, girls' hair becomes lifeless and rusty. Due to which sometimes the problem of hair loss is also done. To overcome problems related to hair, girls use different types of shampoo, oil and conditioner. There is a lot of chemicals found in these products. Thereby can damage your hair instead of advantages. Due to not putting oil in hair, hair problems also increase. 

Sesame oil is very beneficial for hair. There are also plenty of nutrients available with vitamin E, B complexes in abundance. Which are very beneficial for hair. Applying sesame oil to the hair makes hair stronger and beautiful. 

1- To maintain the beauty of your hair, massage the hair twice a day with sesame oil. 

2- By applying sesame oil to the hair roots, the skin absorbs it easily. By which vitamins and proteins present in it strengthen your hair. 

3- Massage of hair with sesame oil causes blood circulation in the head correctly. By which hair loss stops. 

4- Nowadays people's hair has started to become white. If you want to give your hair the natural color then apply sesame oil in your hair. 

5- To overcome the problem of dandruff and itching, apply lemon juice in sesame oil and massage your hair roots. By doing this daily you will get rid of the problem of dandruff. 

6- If you want to make your hair shiny, massage the hair roots with sesame oil. After this, wrap a towel in hot water and wrap it in your hair. Wash your hair with shampoo after it gets up in the morning. Doing this will remove your hair dryness and shine in your hair.

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