Sesame Seeds Benefits: You can also make these four food items using sesame seeds

Til, also known as sesame seeds, is a type of seed that comes in various colors and is cultivated in many regions around the world, including India. It comes in shades of white, black, brown, and yellow. Among these, white and black sesame seeds are the most commonly used. Til is not only delicious but also considered highly beneficial for health due to its nutritious content.

Til Chutney

One popular use of til is in making chutney. This chutney is often served with dosa, idli, and uttapam. To make it, roast the til seeds until they turn golden brown, then grind them finely. Grate some coconut and crush ginger, garlic, and green chilies. Mix all these ingredients together with tamarind pulp to form a smooth paste. After preparing it, you can garnish it with chopped coriander leaves.

Til Barfi

Using til, you can also prepare til barfi, a sweet delicacy. To make this, roast and grind the til seeds, then mix them with boiled milk, sugar, and ghee. Cook this mixture until it thickens, then spread it onto a plate to set. Once set, you can cut it into desired shapes.

Til Gajak

Another delightful treat you can make with til is gajak. It is a popular sweet enjoyed during winters. To prepare it, grind roasted til seeds and mix them with jaggery and edible gum. Allow this mixture to set, then cut it into pieces. It is then ready to be served.

Til Laddoo

Laddoos made from til are also a delicious option. To prepare them, grind roasted til seeds and mix them with melted jaggery and chopped nuts. Take portions of this mixture and shape them into round balls. Apart from these, there are many other dishes you can create using til. Til is not only tasty but also a nutritious ingredient that can contribute to your overall health. Til, with its versatility and nutritional benefits, adds flavor and health to various dishes, making it a staple ingredient in many cuisines worldwide.

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