Set the right time table for your meals today

Most people eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is important for food to be tasty and nutritious because it gives energy to the body and keeps the health good. But due to today's hectic life and busy schedule, people are not able to eat the right food at the right time, which leads to many health problems. Due to lack of proper food, one feels tired and lethargic. Let us know what should be there in our breakfast, lunch and dinner from morning to night.

What should one eat for breakfast?

The first thing you should do after waking up in the morning is to drink lukewarm water. If you want, you can add aloe vera, giloy, or wheatgrass juice to it. This keeps the digestive system healthy and also speeds up metabolism. Breakfast should be taken within two hours of waking up. Breakfast should be nutritious and full of energy. For example, you can have fruit smoothie, oats upma, black chickpea chaat, sprouted moong dal, or vegetable juice. Breakfast should be rich in protein so that energy remains throughout the day.

What should lunch be like?

Physical activity is less during the afternoon, so lunch should be light and nutritious. Lunch should include green vegetables and pulses along with salad. Eat pulses in variations, like sometimes tur dal and sometimes masoor dal. Include buttermilk or raita in lunch, it is beneficial for digestion. Do not drink water immediately after eating, rather drink water after some time.

What to eat for dinner?

Dinner should be taken between 8 and 8:30 pm. Light and nutritious food is best for dinner, like porridge or khichdi. You can also drink a bowl of mixed vegetable soup or juice with it. However, do not add tomatoes to the dinner soup. Drinking turmeric milk one hour after eating helps in getting good sleep.

Should we only eat three times a day?

According to the dietician, you can also eat 4-5 times, but eating three times is better for digestion. If you feel hungry in between, you can eat something light and healthy. In the evening, you can drink herbal tea or green tea, in which you can add basil leaves and black pepper. This also strengthens immunity. After an hour of this, you can eat fruits like apple or papaya.

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