Shahid sees the beneficial side to marry a non filmy girl

Shahid Kapoor who is married to a non filmy girl Mira Rajput says his relationship with Mira is only getting sweeter and better by the day.

The actor stated, "What I love about this journey with Mira is the fact that every day just gets better than the previous one. The graph is such when you have no expectations. In a love marriage, perhaps, there’s a lot of unconscious emotional expectation. But here, every day, we get to know each other a little more. Each day we grow closer. From ‘you’ and ‘I’, the relationship has become about ‘us’." 

Coming from different worlds, Shahid said, "Having a wife who doesn’t do the same thing is beneficial because we don’t feed off each other. We are the yin and yang to each other. Too much of the same thing can lead to monotony or a lack of perspective. You tend to live in a bubble. Your exposure is limited. Mira points out so many things on an everyday basis and her viewpoints leave me surprised. It’s good to have that point of view, which otherwise I wouldn’t have enjoyed." 

In 2015, the duo got married in big fat wedding.

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