Shamima Begum will continue to be incarcerated in Syria

UK: Shamima Begum, who left the UK at the age of 15 to join the Islamic State terrorist group, has lost an appeal against a decision to revoke her British citizenship.

The Begum admitted that she had gone to "Khalifa" voluntarily, but her lawyers attempted to make it appear that she was a victim of trafficking.

Due to concerns for national security, Begum's citizenship was revoked in 2019 after she was found in custody in Syria following the defeat of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS).

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Four years ago, she moved to London to join the group. Shortly after arriving in Syria, she married a jihadist, giving birth to three children, all of whom died.

Begum, now 23, protested the government's choice in a closed-door hearing in November, but the Special Immigration Appeals Commission determined on Wednesday that it was legal.

Although the national security threat posed by Begum is debatable, Justice Robert J said in his ruling that it was "for the Secretary of State to make an assessment and not for the Commission."

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When Begum traveled to Syria in 2015, Begum's legal team claimed that then Home Secretary Sajid Javid did not look into whether the teenager had been a victim of child trafficking.

Despite the fact that there was "a credible suspicion that Ms Begum was taken to Syria" and sexually abused, Jai claimed that Javid's concerns about national security were not allayed by the evidence.

Begum has given several interviews to the media since she was found in Syria, making her one of the most famous "ISIS brides". She told reporters in 2019, "The sight of a severed head didn't faze me at all." She also said she didn't regret making the trip.

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She claimed in subsequent interviews that terrorist attacks on British soil were "justified", but insisted she was ready to return to Britain and resume her normal life.

Begum, despite losing her British citizenship, still retains her Bangladeshi citizenship. He didn't try to go to Bangladesh, where Foreign Minister Abdul Momen warned in 2019 that he would be hanged for terrorism, though.

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