On this Saturn Jubilee, chanting of these mantras, every wish will be successful

Let everyone know that the Saturn Jubilee is celebrated on the new moon day of Amavasya and this time it is on June 3. In this way, on this day worshiped Shani Dev's law and receive their blessings. In such a way, if the people who are celebrating Saturn on Saturn, they will benefit from this, if they call on certain Saturns on this day. Yes, according to the scriptures, the person who chants these mantras on Shani jayanti is pleased with Shani Dev and he deliberately lives his life, which Janti should chant on Jupiter, which mantras should be chanted. So today we tell you about them. Let's know.

Saturn Jubilee on Saturn with these mantras:

ऊँ श्रां श्रीं श्रूं शनैश्चाराय नमः।

ऊँ हलृशं शनिदेवाय नमः। ऊँ एं हलृ श्रीं शनैश्चाराय नमः। ऊँ मन्दाय नमः।। ऊँ सूर्य पुत्राय नमः।।

Mantra to escape the Sadhe Saati: -

ऊँ त्रयम्बकं यजामहे सुगंधिम पुष्टिवर्धनम । उर्वारुक मिव बन्धनान मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मा मृतात ।।

ॐ शन्नोदेवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये।शंयोरभिश्रवन्तु नः। ऊँ शं शनैश्चराय नमः।।

Saturn Mantra For Forgiveness: -

अपराधसहस्त्राणि क्रियन्तेहर्निशं मया। दासोयमिति मां मत्वा क्षमस्व परमेश्वर।।

गतं पापं गतं दुरू खं गतं दारिद्रय मेव च। आगतारू सुख-संपत्ति पुण्योहं तव दर्शनात्।।

Saturn Mantra for Good Health: -

ध्वजिनी धामिनी चौव कंकाली कलहप्रिहा। कंकटी कलही चाउथ तुरंगी महिषी अजा।। शनैर्नामानि पत्नीनामेतानि संजपन् पुमान्।

दुःखानि नाश्येन्नित्यं सौभाग्यमेधते सुखमं।।

Gayatri Mantra of Saturn Dev: -

ऊँ भगभवाय विद्महैं मृत्युरुपाय धीमहि तन्नो शनिः प्रचोद्यात्।।

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