Shatrughan Sinha:Happy with Khanhaiya's bail

Shatrughan Sinha the actor and politician,the BJP leader is known as the critic of his party,again come out in favour of JNU students union president Kanhaiya Kumar who was arrested on charges of sedition for  avowedly raising anti-national slogans.

On Saturday, Sinha wrote on twitter "Happy about the grant of bail (although conditional) by the honourable court to Kanhaiya & pleased that he's been released from prison,"   

While,he also said that he wish to  KK proves himself right for those who felt he had been wronged.

"Hope, wish and pray that he will prove himself worthy of the support that he received from everyone who felt that he was wronged," he tweeted.

It is not first time when the Khamosh actor comes in support of Kanhaiya before it he said that-Kumar said nothing that amounted to sedition.

Sinha tweeted "Have heard transcript of speech of Kanhaiya, our Bihar boy president of JNUSU. He has said nothing anti national or against constitution. Hope wishes and prays that he's release soon, sooner the better,"

"It is a seat of learning for some of India's brightest young minds & also some very respectable teachers. Save it from further embarrassment, he tweeted.

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