Should pregnant women eat curd, what are its benefits?And how much should eat

Yogurt is considered very beneficial for health. In fact, curd contains many such nutrients, which can help you to overcome many problems of the body. For this reason, many health experts recommend eating a bowl of curd daily. However pregnant women are forbidden from eating curd (is yoghurt good for pregnant woman). This is because many people feel that eating curd can cause problems for them or the fetus. However, today we will give you an answer to this question.

Should we eat curd during pregnancy? - According to Kamini Kumari, dietician of Diet Mantra Clinic, it is safe to eat curd during pregnancy. Yes and it does not harm you in any way. In fact, curd is a dairy product, which is considered a good source of nutritious elements like calcium, protein, magnesium etc. Because of this, it can be safe for you to consume curd during pregnancy.

How much curd should be eaten in a day during pregnancy - The answer depends on the quality of curd in how much quantity should be eaten in a day. In fact, if you are eating a good quality yogurt with all the nutrients and probiotics, then you can eat three small bowls of curd in a day. This means that during pregnancy you can consume 200 to 300 grams of curd throughout the day.

When to eat curd during pregnancy- Consuming curd during pregnancy trimester is considered very good for women (curd during pregnancy first trimester).

Benefits of eating curd during pregnancy-

Eating curd during pregnancy can have many benefits for the body. In fact, along with improving digestion, it strengthens the bones. If you consume curd during pregnancy, then it helps you in controlling the problems related to digestion. Consuming curd during pregnancy can improve your body temperature. Yogurt is rich in calcium, which can be very beneficial for pregnant women and the development of the fetus. Many women suffer from high blood pressure during pregnancy. They should eat curd. Yogurt is very beneficial in boosting immunity. Curd is beneficial in controlling physical problems as well as mental problems. Yogurt is beneficial in removing skin problems. Curd is also helpful in controlling body weight.

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