Should Lord Shiva not be offered cannabis and ganja...?

According to the Indian calendar, the month of Sawan is going on at this time, which will end on 19 August 2024. The month of Sawan holds special significance for the worship of Lord Shiva. During this time, religious rituals like Kanwar Yatra, worship in Shiva temples and fasting are performed with great enthusiasm. People usually do not consume alcohol, meat and garlic-onion in Sawan. But, people who consume cannabis and marijuana often claim that cannabis is offered to Lord Shiva in worship, so its consumption is Shiva's Prasad for the devotees. But is it really right to offer cannabis to Lord Shiva? Before considering this, it is important to know what has been said about it in the scriptures.

Should we really offer cannabis to Lord Shiva?

Some people believe that Lord Shiva consumes cannabis and hence it is right to offer cannabis in worship. But this belief is not completely correct. There is no instruction to offer cannabis to Lord Shiva in religious scriptures. Mahabharata and Shiv Puran written by Maharishi Ved Vyas have a clear description of what should be offered to Lord Shiva and what should not.

What should be offered to Lord Shiva?

The rules and materials for the worship of Lord Shiva are described in the Mahabharata's Anushasana Parva and the Shiva Purana. In chapter 145 of the Mahabharata's Dan Dharma Parva, in a dialogue between Mother Uma and Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva has explained how he should be worshipped. In this dialogue, Lord Shiva says:

“I have established Shivlingas which are my own form in all the three worlds. By merely saluting them, a person is freed from all sins. Even the yagnas like homa, charity, study and lots of dakshina cannot equal the virtue gained by saluting the Shivlinga. Dear! I am very satisfied by the worship of the Shivlinga. Listen to me about the method of worshipping the Shivlinga.”

Lord Shiva told that:

Worshiping the Shiva Lingam with cow milk and butter gives the fruits of Ashwamedha Yagna. By worshipping with ghee , one attains the virtue of Agnihotra. Bathing the Shivling with water also brings virtue. Offering Guggulu incense to Shivalinga gives the fruits of Cow Yagya. Worshiping with flowers gives the reward of donating a thousand cows.

Thus, Lord Shiva has not made any mention of cannabis.

Message of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita

Lord Shri Krishna has also confirmed this in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. He tells Arjuna:

“Patram pushpam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayachhati. Tadahān bhaktyupahṛtamshnāmi prayātatmanah.” (9.26)

That is, if a devotee offers me leaves, flowers, fruits or water with love and devotion, I accept it. According to religious scriptures and Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, it is not appropriate to offer cannabis to Lord Shiva. It is correct to offer leaves, flowers, fruits and water to Lord Shiva. It should also be kept in mind that whatever worship is offered, it should be full of devotion and love. Now the decision is yours as to what you will offer in your worship.

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