First black actor to win Oscar award pass away from the world

Actor Sidney Poitier has died at the age of 94. He has also been awarded the Bester Actor Oscar for his role in Lilies of the Field. He was the first black actor to win an Oscar award. He has also broken racial barriers and inspired a generation between the civil rights movement. Foreign Ministry Acting General Director Eugene Toarchon-Newry has confirmed Poitier's death.

Sidney Poitier has set up its legacy in 1967 with three movies in the same year. In the meantime, chaos prevailed in most parts of the U.S. He played a black man whose fiance was white in the movie 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.' In it, he became a black police officer, Virgil Tibbs, who faces racism amid a murder act. He played a teacher at a London school in 'To Sir, With Love' that year.

Sidney Poitier won the Oscar title of Best Actor, who made history for 'Lilies of the Field,' in 1963, playing an apprentice who helps the German nun make a chapel in the desert. Poitier was nominated for an Oscar for his role in 'The Infant Once' 5 years ago. He was the first black actor to receive an Oscar nomination.

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