The free messaging app Signal becomes very popular after WhatsApp changed its privacy policy. This app reached at the top position on Apple App Store in a few countries, including India. Signal has now become No. 1 in the category of top free app. While, Telegram secured the second position and WhatsApp moved to the third place. People are now preferring Signal in place of WhatsApp, bacause many users did not like the new terms and policies of the app that clearly suggests that WhatsApp will now share its user's data with its parent company Facebook. It also mentions that if users do not accept the new policy, then their account will be deleted. The messaging app Signal is receiving huge rush from across the globe and is being seen as the most secure messaging platform in terms of privacy. This app gained more popularity and users when Tesla CEO Elon Musk asked everyone to, "Use signal" on Twitter. This app also offers voice calling/video calling support, stickers and person-to-person chat interface. Users can also transfer their WhatsApp messages to Signal with these steps- Create a group on Signal. Tap on 'Group Settings' and then click on 'Group Link'. Turn on the group link and tap 'Share'. Share on WhatsApp or any other messaging platform. Also Read: Vivo Y51A launched in India, Know its features Apple generates USD 64 bn revenue from App Store in 2020 Amazon bans Parler from its web hosting service