Signs When Your Zodiac Signs Are Angry!

ARIES- They generally doesn’t get angry over small situations but are usually feared for the sudden burst of anger. They are very explosive when angry and the best thing to do is give them space to cool down.

TAURUS- They don’t get angry easily, they tolerate and pile up the anger in them and boom you are gone. They are very temperamental better not to come in their when they are angry.

GEMINI- They are the quite one of the group. They are very silent when angry and show their distress by throwing things.

CANCER- They are very moody and upset at first and wants to be left alone. They get passive aggressive but are easy to cool down.

LEO- They are ugly when they are angry. Mouth and brain just lost connections and they can say mean things to you to hurt you.

VIRGO- They are the emotional one of the group. They suppress anger till they no longer hold it inside and it comes out with the sudden burst of emotion.

LIBRA- They tries to be calm in most of the situations and hate wasting their time in getting angry. They generally get away from the people and situation to drain out their anger.

SCORPIO- They become very defensive when angry and cold. They give critical and sarcastic comments to handle the situation and win it.

SAGGITARIUS- They will discuss with you but will mostly attack you. Their anger goes away quickly and they don’t hold grudges.

CAPRICORN- They will not tell you they are angry but try to bring you down in other ways. They are unforgiving and hold grudges for the longer time.

AQUARIUS- Their anger increases with time, they will ignore you and be unsympathetic. They will straight waypoint you and leave you to deal with the situation alone.

PIECES- Will talk about it or not talk about it at all. They are very emotional and easily get upset and let down.

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