7 Signals which defines that you need a dermatologist quickly

Our skin is the mirror to our health. Many times we can see problems with our skin, it is basically the sign of something wrong in our body. But we often ignore these changes. If your battle goes one for a long time or your skin is getting too dry, then you need to visit a dermatologist at the prior. Here experts have pointed out some signs, let's have a look.

1. Acne: Acne is a normal problem which happens to teenagers or people with oily skin. But if the acne continues for a longer time, it can be due to hormonal disturbance. It can lead to thyroid.

2. Dryness: Skin dryness can be due to winter season but if the skin is extremely dry, it can be because of diabetes or thyroid.

3. Itching: Itching can be a sign of diabetes or infection in the body. Sometimes due to high levels of bilirubin or creatinine, it can cause itching, which is an indication of liver or kidney problems.

4. Rashes/skin allergies: They can be due to sunburn sometimes but it may also be due to viral infections or a drug allergy.

5. Darkening of underarms and neck: This is called acanthosis nigricans and is a sign of insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes. Very often people think it is just dirt or some allergy but that is not the case.

6. Yellow deposits mainly around eyes: These are cholesterol deposits and are often associated with abnormal lipid profile.

7. Persistent redness on the face with or without itching typically on the cheeks and nose areas: It may be a sign of lupus, an internal disease. This can affect kidneys, liver, joints or oral cavity.

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