Social Media platforms flareup at US President's Post; know more

Recently, US President's post has caused a stir on social media platforms. Facebook Inc and Twitter took stern actions on the media shares from U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday for defiling their rules against coronavirus misinformation by suggesting that Covid-19 was just like the flu. Social media platform Facebook removed the post but not before it was shared for more than 26,000 times, data from the company’s metric tool CrowdTangle displayed. “We remove incorrect information about the severity of Covid-19,” a company spokesman told a leading daily.

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The world’s largest social media company, which spares politicians from its third-party fact-checking presentation, has very little taken any action corresponding posts from the Republican U.S. president. Twitter disabled retweets on a similar tweet from Trump on Tuesday and stating a warning label that said it broke its rules on “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to Covid-19” but that it might be in the public interest for it to remain available. During the 2019-2020 influenza season, the flu was associated with 22,000 deaths in the United States, according to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Since the first case of the novel coronavirus was reported in the United States at the starting of this year, over 210,000 people in the country have lost their lives of the disease caused by the virus, the world’s highest fatality rate. On Monday, Trump reported Americans “to get out there” and not fear Covid-19 as he returned to the White House after a three-night stay in a military hospital outside Washington where he was being treated for Covid-19.

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