Some beautiful wedding destination for LGBTQ

Before you read the whole article let me tell you the full form of LGBTQ, It stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and queer. The LGBTQ community has come a long way from the days of being discriminated or even punished by law. But, in the Indian context, LGBTQ-related conversations are considered to be a taboo even to this day, even though certain groups have emerged in support and rehabilitation of the LGBTQ community. After all, we are all witness to the Pride Parades that happen across Indian metros. Still, LGBTQ weddings in India are definitely unheard of. In India, technically, you are committing an offense by marrying because Section 377 is still at full throttle, and thus same-sex marriages are banned. In This article, we will tell you some top wedding destination for LGBTQ people. San Francisco, United States of America

The city of San Francisco was the hotbed of the 1960s counterculture, and so it is no surprise that the city still celebrates its spirit of freedom. Here, in San Francisco, LGBTQ rights are at their peak, and Castro District is known to be the epicentre of gay and lesbian culture of the country. In fact, in San Fran, you can find numerous establishments that are serving the LGBTQ community with a smile. So, you are in good hands when in good old San Francisco. It is a haven for the LGBTQ community, and marriage is definitely on the cards here. Queenstown, New Zealand

The picturesque city of New Zealand, Queenstown is a paradise in its own right; more so for the LGBTQ community. Against the snow-peaked mountains and lovely resorts for holidaymakers, there lays the opportunity to get married. Known for its association with winter sports and adventure sports in general, Queenstown is a place for fun and frolic. What you might not know is that this beautiful city plays host to numerous gay weddings; in fact, you also have the chance of getting hitched during their Gay Ski Weekend!

Buenos Aires, Argentina

This beautiful city in Argentina is transforming into a haven for the LGBTQ community, which means that same-sex weddings here are a possibility. The city is known for embracing freedom and free-will, making it an attractive destination for gays and lesbians across the world. The city, in fact, has numerous gay clubs and bars. Therefore, LGBTQ marriage in Buenos Aires is not a distant reality, but a fact. The city plays host to numerous same-sex couples getting hitched, and the acceptance for LGBTQ people is growing steadily each year. A trip to this beautiful gay paradise could be worth your time. Cape Town, South Africa


Considered to be one of the most beautiful cities on the Earth, Cape Town is astonishing in every sense. Its love for nature and freedom is well appreciated, and so it is one of the most important destinations for LGBTQ weddings. The natural beauty of the city makes it a hub for tourists, and also for the LGBTQ community. Amidst the beaches, the vineyards, and the beautiful natural landscape, you can take your vows of marriage and be in love forever and ever, in perfect bliss. Cape Town is definitely one of the most beautiful gay wedding destinations.

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