Hinduism is one of most ancient and third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam, with a population of 1 billion. Although; Hindu religion is not basically termed as religion, it a way of leading your life because it was never established by any Founder. Here are few Myths and truths that are related to this religion. 1. Myth:- There are a total of 330 million Gods whom Hindus worship. Truth:- There is only one God Lord Shiva who is the major almighty of all gods and the rest of them are his appearances. 2. Myth:- Hindus worship God Idols Truth:- Hindus believe that they worship God present in the form of Idol. 3. Myth:- Hindus worship cow Truth:- Hindus respect all the creations of God. 4. Myth:- All Hindus are Vegetarians. Truth:- There are so many Hindus who not only eat meat but also offer it to some God. 5. Myth:- Hinduism supports caste system Truth:- Caste system was an old-tradition that was established by orthodox social figures. 6. Myth:- Women are inferior in Hinduism. Truth:- They are termed as form of god thats why they are not supposed to be so much open in terms of dressing and other expressions. 7. Myth:- Karma can destroy your future. Truth:- It is believed that Your actions are the sole reasons for your destiny as they decide your fate. Which color suits your zodiac? To eat or not to eat: Food habits of a Leo Rekindle the romance in your life, by bringing swan pair