Some measures to adopt at the time of electric shock

Have you ever felt an electric shock, yes many of us are people who have been shocked by electricity? After an electric shock, there are some measures that can save the life of a person. Electric shock is an emergency situation. Due to current, there is a risk of heart failure. There is a possibility of burning and blisters in it.

Electric shock is dangerous for a person standing in water. Try to fix the electric line. If someone has got a shock, do not touch that person, but disconnect the connection of electricity. Separate that person with the wooden poles.

After disconnecting person from the current, then firstly place it in the recovery position. His hand should be put under one head and the other one should be straight. One leg should be straight and the other should be folded. If a person is unable to breathe, then he should start cardio pulmonary resuscitation. If he is unable to breathe, then do not adopt this method.

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