Some Of The Easiest Tips To Flatten Your Belly

Your stomach is the one part of your body that reacts quickly to dietary changes—good and bad. If you want to look thinner fast, avoid gassy veggies, chewing gum, salt, carbonated beverages, and any foods with sugar alcohols, these foods will lead to water retention and bloating. 

Check out these tummy-shrinking tips—including some quick fixes for fitting into those skinny jeans:

1. Chew Your Food Properly: Digestion begins in the mouth, and with proper chewing, you can not only improve your digestion but also prevent bloating.  

2. Cut Down Your Sugar Intake: Sugar is your enemy as it increases your insulin level. The lower you keep your sugar intake, the skinnier your waist gets.  

3. Use Pepper or Sea Salt Instead of Regular Salt: Iodized salt makes your tummy bloat, that's why you should use natural sea salt, which is low in sodium. You can also add flavor to your food by sprinkling cayenne or black pepper, both of which increase metabolism.  

4. Laugh: The most enjoyable workout for your abs is laughing. That explains why Laughter Yoga is a thing. If you start busting a gut, you are definitely moving towards getting your abs in shape.  

5. Drink More Water: Water is great for health, but it’s even better when you are trying to lose weight and flatten your stomach. This is because when you drink enough water, you are actually helping your system to maintain proper water balance which helps in reducing water retention.

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