Some outlandish and bizarre architecture around the world that redefines eccentricity


If you have a nose for the strange thing then this article going to be very exciting for you. Let me tell you that the globe is full of astonishing and strange work of nature. Be it the Bermuda Triangle or the sailing stones of the Death Valley, Mother Nature proves that she has her share of eccentricity and quirky streaks. Well, talking of quirkiness and bizarre expression of creativity, humans are also not far behind! The world has seen many man-made structures which are anything but usual or normal. Now, what about those that don’t fit the usual criteria? Habitat 67 - Montreal, Canada


Designed by architect Moshe Safdie, Habitat 67 is a very unusual looking housing complex in Montreal, Canada. It is a combination of 354 identical concrete forms assembled in a soothingly asymmetrical manner. This weird structure has 146 residences, which vary in size and configurations. From a distance, Habitat 67 looks even more attractive, but it’s just a housing complex!  Wonderworks - Pigeon Forge, TN, USA


An indoor amusement park, Wonderworks has to be one of the top tourist points in Pigeon Forge. This is an upside-down structure that plays with your mind at the first look. The inverted fake palm trees along the base (which becomes roof here) add to the quirky quotient of this structure. The insides are also designed upside down!

Cubic Houses - Rotterdam, Netherlands

A clutter apparently 40 normal houses were tilted strategically to make them the first cube-shaped houses in the Netherlands. Located in Rotterdam, these cubic houses sit atop a hexagonal pole and are made of concrete floors and pillars.  National Theatre - Beijing, China

A massive architectural work, the National Theatre in Beijing, China is an eye-catching structure that looks like some sort of alien design. Spread across a staggering surface area of 149,500 sq m, this is actually an ellipsoid shaped dome of titanium and glass surrounded by an artificial water body. This building looks even more stunning at night when elaborate light work illuminates the entire structure.  House Attack - Vienna, Austria

What looks like a house stuck atop the external side of the MUMOK (Museum Moderner Kunst) building is considered to be one of the quirkiest and unusual representations of contemporary art. Renowned Austrian artist Erwin Wurm is the brain behind this artistic installation called House Attack, which is attached to the facade of the museum as if someone threw the house to attack the MUMOK!

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