Lockdown-5: These strict rules have to be followed before starting work in office

PM Modi did a lockdown a few months ago to curb the coronavirus. Which continues continuously. Lockdown Five has given a lot of leeway to normalize functioning. Now we have to go out for a livelihood while keeping our lives safe with this relaxation. During this time we also need to take many precautions. Believes that there is no need to panic with coronavirus. In the coming days it will become like normal flu and we have to get used to living life with it. These habits can be ensured by taking some precautionary steps. Only know some steps, through which you can complete daily activities without any fear while keeping your life safe.

For your information, let us tell you that the symptoms of corona infection do not appear in everyone. Anyone around you can be a carrier of covid-19. You can also be a carrier of covid-19. Train with neither to infect nor to infect anyone.

Remember these things in the office

1. Give priority to e-meeting

2. If there is a meeting in the conference room, keep physical distance and at least people.

3. Take home food, eat at your place and dispose of leftover food responsibly.

4. Avoid moving from one place to another in the office.

5. Once inside the office, avoid going in and out again and again.

6. Get into the habit of going through stairs.

7. Make physical distance even if you want to go in the lift.

8. Use the elbow to open the door.

9. If you have touched any surface like lift button, door handle, then keep your hands constantly sanitized.

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