“He(R.D. Burman) wanted me to sing in '1942: A Love Story'”: Says Sonu Nigam on legend’s b’day

Panchamda is termed as the legend of the singing world and his work and uniqueness make him the idol for every singer of Bollywood. On 79th anniversary celebration of R.D. Burman, the well-known singer Sonu Nigam appraises the legends work and said: “I feel lucky that I met Panchamda, but I also feel unlucky because he wanted me to sing in '1942: A Love Story'. However, at that time, I went to Delhi and was there for three months. When I returned to Mumbai, someone told me that Panchamda (Rahul Dev Burman) was looking for me and he was keen that I should sing a song for him but nevertheless, I still feel connected to him and his legacy will stay forever through his music." Music composer Shibani Kashyap, Shantanu Moitra, Leslie Lewis, Shamir Tandon, Sandesh Shandilya, Vivek Vasvani were the other attendees of the event.

While presenting his views on today’s and 70s-80s music world, he expressed that “During those times, at the music sittings, actors and other people used to come but not with intention of advising or teaching and interfering music composers or singers' work. They used to go there to learn some from them, to have a good time and to give some inputs. He further added, “Nowadays, however, everyone has an opinion while creating music whether they have the knowledge of it or not and that I feel is a major difference.”

Today, the music world memorizing the legacy of the honourary who contributed 33 years to Indian music with more than 5,000 songs. His romantic tracks still have a place at the same place in the music world and regularly getting recreated due to its evergreen impression. 

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