SSC exams 2021: CGL, CHSL, CPO SI examinations rescheduled

SSC announced re-scheduled dates of three examinations, likely due to the COVID-19 situation in the country on Friday.

The commission released the new dates of the SSC CHSL Exam 2020, SSC CGL Exam 2020 and SSC CPO SI Paper 2 2019. The revised schedule is subject to the prevailing COVID-19 conditions and below are the re-scheduled dates following examinations:

1. Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI in CISF Examination (Paper-II), 2019. The exam will now be conducted on July 26, 2021.

2. Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination (Tier-I), 2020. For left-over candidates, the exam will be held between August 4, 2021, and August 12, 2021.

3. Combined Graduate Level Examination (Tier-I), 2020. The exam will now take place between August 13, 2021, and August 24, 2021.

The eligible candidates have been advised to visit the official website frequently.

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