Start conversation with a 'Cute Guy' in these easy ways !

We always thought that a guy needs to make the first move, to start any relationship, but wake up girls- we are in the 21st century and this kind of thinking is totally wrong as  whenever you spot a cute guy and really wants to have a conversation with him, then don’t wait and make your moves to approach him. Here are ways to start a conversation with a Cute Guy:-

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1. A smile is your weapon:

Keep yourself with a smiling face, and if see a cut boy in any party, then go ahead and ask ‘Hello’ to him.

2.Talk little:

If any of your friends knows him, then ask your buddy to introduce him personally to you and start a conversation with him and if he simply a stranger then tries to combine your group of friend with his group of friends.

3. Eye Contact should be there:

Maintain eye contact and don’t look away if you have found any cute guy.

4. Do rehearsal:

Are you feeling nervous? Just stand out in front of the mirror and keep rehearsing on deciding what you are going to say.


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