Stevie Wonder pays tribute to music icon Bill Widders

Hollywood veteran musician Stevie Wonder has paid tribute to the late music icon Bill Widders for his singing during his performance at the 'One World: Together at Home' virtual concert. The 69-year-old Wonder sang two of Winter's iconic songs 'Lean on Me' and 'Love in Need of Love Today'. According to foreign media reports, on March 30, Withers died of heart disease at the age of 81.

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Before performing these songs, Wonder said, "During difficulties, we have to lean on each other for help. My friend, the late Bill Withers, has the perfect song for it, and I want to remember him tonight. "Starting with 'Lean on Me', Wonder also sang 'Love in Need of Love Today'. The virtual concert was hosted by talk show stars Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert. Singer Lady Gaga helped organize the event to help raise funds for the World Health Organization and citizens around the world.

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Many high-profile names were included in those who performed and became part of this program. The Rolling Stones, Shah Rukh Khan, Paul McCartney, Taylor Swift, Billy Illish, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Lopez, Elton John and Alicia Keys.

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