Stop Excessive Burping / Excess Gas by these simple steps

Increase the amount of fluid intake

Make sure you drink plenty of water every day in order to curb the symptoms of burping and bloating. Since water contains one part of oxygen, it could also curb hiccups, which are the result of lack of oxygen in the body. However, avoid taking carbonated drinks or aerated drinks to make sure you stay healthy.

Take Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the most popular home remedies that would give you instant relief in case of heartburn as well as in case of a stomach upset. It can also reduce or completely stop burping by reducing the inflammation of the esophagus.

Avoid taking in milk

If you suspect that you have lactose intolerance, which has possibly resulted in the burping and the bloating, make sure you avoid taking in milk or consuming milk products.

Eat slowly

Instead of gulping down your foods or beverages, make sure you eat or drink them slowly. When you rush through your lunch or dinner, you are likely to swallow a lot of air.

Keep calm

Both having tension as well as suffering from anxiety can make you swallow air. Make sure you keep calm instead of sweating the small matters in your life.

Take in antacids

Using antacids such as Mylanta Gas or even Maalox Anti-gas can allow the gas inside the body to be belched away much easier than when you try any other methods. These medicines can however have little or no effect on the gas present in your intestines.

Talk to your physician

Talk to your physician regarding ways to maintain a proper, balanced diet, if you wish to eliminate the causes of belching, burping, bloating and hiccups.

Avoid overeating

Eating too much or overeating can cause bloating, while taking in smaller meals can help you avoid it.

Soak beans in water overnight

If you are a fan of dry beans, make sure you soak them in water at night in order to remove the natural sugar content from them. Cook the beans in fresh water, so that it can help you avoid bloating and gas.

Take in dry granulated sugar

Unless you have been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you take in dry granulated sugar for your hiccups.

Do not take in alcohol

Alcohol contains artificial sugars as well as carbohydrates, which could increase bloating. Make sure you avoid alcohol completely, if you have a bloated stomach.

also read Pregnancy and health issue: Cure Constipation by these simple tips

Maintain a food diary

Make sure you maintain a food diary to make a note of the foods that cause gas and bloating and avoid the foods that make your stomach bloat such as broccoli, cabbage and the like.

Avoid talking while chewing food

When you are eating, make sure you do not talk, since talking while chewing food can make you swallow air and this would result in further bloating of the stomach.

Do not smoke or chew tobacco

Smoking and chewing tobacco are two of the most dangerous activities that can cause not only cancer, but also cause bloating of the stomach and make you look fat. Avoid both smoking as well as chewing tobacco.

Crush some ginger

Ginger is one of the best home remedies for gas as well as for bloating, since it can remove the gas in the body without any side effects. Crush some ginger and mix it with some lemon juice. Consume this mixture to prevent symptoms such as gas and bloating.

also read Healthy and effective diet during Pregnancy; tips and recipe ideas

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