Attack on Sufi Shrine Pakistan, 72 Killed and 200 injured

People evacuate the Lal Shahbaz Qalandar shrine in Pakistan after a bomb killed dozens of people and wounded more than 200 on Thursday. The blast took place during the time of Sufi ritual ‘Dhamal’ when hundreds of devotees were present inside the premises of the mausoleum of the saint.

Officials say a suicide bomber detonated the bomb against crowds gathered at the Sufi shrine.

A senior police officer, as per the sources news, said 70 people had been killed and more than 200 people are injured, the death toll is likely to rise.

Earlier on Monday, a suicide bomber struck police escorting a protest rally in Lahore. The blast ripped through the crowd of hundreds of pharmacists, who were protesting new amendments to a law governing drug sales. 13 were killed in the attack along with six police officers and a former provincial counter-terrorism chief. It was claimed by Jamaat-ul -Ahrar as well.

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