Superstition around the world that can make you laugh

There is a lot of superstitions around the world. Like you can't go out if someone sneezes infront of you. Apart from this, there are many superstitions. Not surprisingly, there are many things that make you laugh also. So let's tell you about some blind faith:

* If you run empty-scissors in Egypt then it is considered bad and if it is left in open it is considered miserable.

* Here, if a man first sees the owl, then it is considered unfortunate.

* 4 number is not considered good in China. Even in Chinese, its pronunciation is compared to death.

* If you put left foot on the poop of the dog in France then it is auspicious, but it is unfortunate if you put the right foot.

* It is said in Lithuania that if you whistle inside the house, you call such devils who scare you.

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