#SuriyaHatesVanniyars trend on Twitter, find out what's the whole matter?

Surya's film 'Jai Bhim,' starring a prominent South Indian actor, has sparked controversy since its premiere. It is said that the film was created in an effort to malign the Vanniyar people. Meanwhile, the hashtag #SuriyaHatesVanniyars is trending on Twitter. People are continually expressing their anger at the actor through this medium. The actor has been requested to apologise. The film, according to members of the Vanniyar community, is an effort to smear his name. Following public uproar, precautionary security has been tightened up outside the Chennai actor's home.

The hashtag #SuriyaHatesVanniyars has been trending on Twitter. 'I strongly denounce Surya. 'Jai Bhim' has disrespectful scenes towards Vanniar,' one individual said. 'Surya and Gyanvel have purposefully tried to malign Vanniar in the movie,' another individual tweeted. In his film, he has altered the facts. 'Freedom of expression does not imply the ability to display anything.'

On November 2, actor Surya's film 'Jai Bhim' was launched on Amazon Prime. In the film, Tamiz plays sub-inspector Gurumurthy. Gurumurti is drinking in one of the movie's scenes, and beyond the wall is a community sign. This has sparked outrage within the Vannier community. According to the community, it falls within both the civil and criminal category. The Vannier and Vannia Kula Kshatriyas are Tamil Nadu's most backward groups. The number is higher in the state's northern areas.

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