Surya Namaskar will remove all the darkness from life, know its benefits

You may have even seen people saluting the sun or offering water to people around you. Yes, but have you ever wondered why people repeat the same action every morning. But what is the reason behind this, let us tell you today how the sun can remove the darkness of your life.

Special things about sunlight

- Light received from the Sun is the main source of energy on this earth. - This light is very effective and lifesaving - This light has ultraviolet rays - These rays are beneficial in some cases and harmful in some. - Both the mind and body can be made better by sunlight We also get vitamin D from sunlight and this sunlight also gives us benefits in the morning.

Heal with sunlight

- When the sun is rising, stay in the sunlight for at least five minutes, this is the best medicine for your health. - Bathing in sunlight has amazing benefits in problems like TB, and cancer. - Skin light is overcome by sunlight - People who live in sunlight are happier - There is no possibility of infighting in such houses - People with depression must consume sunlight - Walk or sit in the sunlight in the morning - Fill the bucket with water in the sunlight, take a bath with this water - Make sure that the sunlight comes in the kitchen - If there is no sunlight in the house, arrange it - Or at least there should be enough daylight in the house - If it does not happen then it is natural for the people of that house to become ill.

-Makeup before sunrise and bathe in light red clothes - Sit on a red pedestal and recite the mantra of the sun ॐ Ghrini Surya Namah 108 times with the rosary of Rudraksha. Keep the same copper pot filled with water and chant the ॐ mantra 27 times in high tone - Then sprinkle this water all over the house - Do this continuously for 27 days, your work will speed up and you will also get stagnant money.

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