Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven to step down in November

Sweden: Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said that he will step down in November. The unanticipated announcement by the leader of the Social Democratic Party was made on Sunday during his annual summer speech, according to reports.

Following his unforeseen announcement on Sunday, Stefan Lofven told Swedish Television that until recently he was set on continuing for the next mandate period and that he only made the decision to step down during the summer.  "I have been party chairman for ten years, and Prime Minister for seven," he was quoted by local media as saying, "But everything has an end, and I want to give my successor the very best conditions," Lofven added.

In July, Lofven became Prime Minister for a third successive term shortly after becoming the first Swedish premier to be forced to resign following a no-confidence vote. He said his decision is meant to give his party better chances in the next general election scheduled for September 2022. It was not yet clear who would replace Lofven.


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