Take care of your liver during this monsoon season

Along with other parts of the body that are frequently neglected, it is crucial to take care of the liver. This disregard results in gradual liver damage, which only becomes apparent when the situation is extremely serious.

The monsoon brings relief from the heat but also a number of health issues. The risk of bacteria and viruses is also greatly increased by heavy rains. Not only can this season be bad for our skin and stomach, but it can also be bad for our liver. As a result, if proper precautions are not taken, the issue may get much worse. Please share some advice on how to maintain liver health during the monsoon season.

What to do to keep the liver healthy?

1. Vaccination: To lower the risk of infection, get the Hepatitis A and B vaccine.

2. Practice safe sex: Use condoms to avoid sexually transmitted infections, including hepatitis B and C.

3. Do not share personal items: Avoid sharing razors, toothbrushes, or any personal items that may come in contact with blood.

4. Maintain cleanliness: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating and after using the restroom to stop the spread of germs.

5. Take care of safety during tattoos and piercings: Infections can spread through the instruments used in tattoos and piercings. Therefore, ensure proper sterilization before use and only go to a licensed professional.

6. Avoid alcohol: Alcohol can badly damage the liver. So change this habit immediately.

7. Maintain a healthy diet: Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in a well-balanced diet. Eat less food that is high in sugar and saturated fat.

8. Don't share injections: While receiving medical treatment, remember that you shouldn't share any injections or medical supplies that you have already used.

9. Avoid arbitrary medicines: Take medicines as per the instructions of the doctor and follow the dosage prescribed by him. Avoid using any medicine that can harm the liver.

10. Get regular testing done: Regular medical testing can help in the early detection of liver problems and the monitoring of liver health.

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