Telegram, a messaging software, acquired almost 70 million new users this week while Facebook's services were down for over six hours. During the huge Facebook outage, Telegram have seen a record rise in user registration and engagement, according to CEO Pavel Durov. "Telegram's daily growth rate above the usual by an order of magnitude, and we received over 70 million refugees from other platforms in a single day," said Durov in a statement. "I'm happy of how our team managed the extraordinary growth since Telegram continues to work flawlessly for the vast majority of our users," said Durov. On Monday evening, millions of users, including those in India, were unable to send or receive messages on social media sites, including Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. According to DownDetector, a service that monitors WhatsApp outages, 40% of users were unable to download the app, 30% had issues sending messages, and 22% experienced issues with the web version. Reliance Jio is giving THIS big gift to the customers affected by the Jio down Manish Bhanushali clarifies Nawab Malik's allegations PM Narendra Modi to inaugurate 35 PSA oxygen plants today