Abundant Benefits of consuming Carrot Juice!

Carrots are packed with nutrients, and juicing them up is a more easy way of consuming it. Carrots are rich in antioxidants; beta-carotene, and have many health supporting nutrients.

Why do you need to add carrot juice to your diet?

# Promotes Good Eyesight

We have heard this before that carrots are good for the eyes! yes, Vitamin A present in carrots supports the retina, and carrot juice contains lutein and zeaxanthin that prevents against vision loss which is associated with age.

# Helps With Digestion

Carrots are great source of fiber, which helps with bowel movements and prevents constipation. If you suffer from constipation and want to increase your fiber intake then carrot juice is a great option to get your bowels moving smoothly.

# Heart Healthy

Carrots improve your cardiovascular health too! Drinking carrot juice can decrease lipid peroxidation and increase antioxidants, which helps fight oxidative free radicals. It helps to lower cholesterol levels and protects against heart disease.

# Fights Against Cancer

The polyacetylene compounds found in carrot juice helps in treating leukemia (blood cancer). It has also shown to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer even in high-risk individuals.

# Helps With Oral Health

Carrot juice can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Carrots have phenols present in them have antimicrobial effect, which prevents the growth of food-borne bacteria and yeast. 

# Makes Your Skin Glow

The beta-carotene present in carrots helps to fight against skin damage. Carotene and lycopene helps with the development of healthy skin.

# Sharpens The Mind

Retinoid compounds that are found in carrots have shown to improve the communication pathways. According to Ayurveda, carrot juice has alkaloids that can help stimulate the nerve pathways in the brain and boost memory.

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