The clarinets will be stopped from this day in July, marriages dates will not occur

Tell everyone that the wedding The clarinets are going to close in July and the Manglik work is also going to stop. Yes, at the same time, traders on the business front will not benefit much, and those who have blood problems need to take special care of their health.

In fact, this is going to happen because of planetary upheaval in the month of July and the Hindu and astrology believe that the marriage factor planet Venus will be in existence on July 25 and will remain in existence till September 9, while the trading factor will be mercury on July 8 and 2nd July. August will be up. Mars, which is connected with the mighty, will be in existence from July 11 to October 14, and Jupiter and Saturn are already curved and the sun and moon will be eclipsed this month, i.e. in July, 7 direct planets will be under some adverse influence.

also read Gupat Navratri starting on 3rd July, do worship in such way

Cancer will be the most affected - according to astrology, the Sun lives in Cancer between July 15 and August 15 and the lower Mars is already visible in this zodiac. At the same time, Mercury and Venus will also be visible from this sign and the moon sign will mentally affect the Jupiter of Cancer, the visible planet of the enemy planet Mercury. In the meantime, the Cancer is also likely to be under the influence of the direct vision of the moon, which is due to the lunar eclipse that falls on July 17, and Saturn and Ketu are already moving from the Jupiter to the sixth sense of the planet's upheaval. The amount is going to have the greatest impact.

also read After years, these two zodiac signs will be showered with the grace of Goddess Lakshmi

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