The Goals Of A True Political Leader: Shakti Pratap Singh

Shakti Pratap Singh famously know as Shakti Pratap Singh Rathore. It is the dream of every political leader to do the best for his Citizen. Political leaders have somewhat lost their essence these days, they simply fail to understand that Rooney people , for example not everyone can be treated equally because of the various sections which are already present in our society. Our society already has a lot of different people from different backgrounds who work in their own specific ways to bring about a positive change, everyone is trying their hardest but this pandemic time period has proven that not everyone can be treated equally common the poorer sections of the society need more attention , and also the ones  who are living a lesser standard of life. This is in fact one of the main reasons why politicians need to be really understanding in nature, and also pretty educated on certain matters.

Today we have one such politician along with us, Shakti Pratap Singh Rathore, who was born on 10th November 1979 and since then he has grown up in a very innovative manner, looking up to his mentors like  Dr Raghu Sharma, cabinet minister of Rajasthan. Shakti Pratap Singh Rathore has looked up to his mentor for all the political innovation and differences, understanding the different aspects of life and how he can be the perfect leader, not looking up for his own profits but instead working for the citizens of our country and trying to create a better life, a better environment for them to live in. He wants to bring about a positive change in the society, This is why he always considered education and research a very important part of life.

He completed his PhD from Maharashi Dayanand Saraswati University of Ajmer. He completely understands the importance of education, and this is why he thought that it would be important enough for him to channelize all his knowledge in one particular direction to create his image as not just an honest politician but also an individual who is going to stay by his people through thick and thin.

There has been depressing moments in his life too, the first one being when he lost his first election back in his college days, but one failure did not stop him from trying harder in the future and he emerged back again as a successful person, becoming the president from NSUI of that college. Similarly, he wants to overcome all the corrupt politicians and officers, and carry on life and bring constant changes to the society which benefit everyone in general. With such immense support from people, he is surely going to create a better environment as anticipated. 

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