Important Signs You Need To Be Drinking More Water!

Your body is composed roughly of 60% water. That means when we are dehydrated and most of us spend our days constantly dehydrated to some degree – we are affecting the performance of the majority of our body. Nearly all of our system does not function as well without the proper water intake. Failing to consume the recommended amount can lead to mild dehydration manifesting in multiple symptoms.

Your urine is dark yellow

One of the first things you should do is take a look at your urine color. The color of your urine can be an early indicator of dehydration. If your urine is a dark yellow color it may be a sign that you are dehydrated. How much water have you drunk today? In general, you should be drinking eight glasses of water a day. If you’re physically active, and sweating, you’ll want to drink additional water. If you do not drink enough water, then your urine becomes over concentrated with waste, which is why it is a dark yellow urine color.


Constipation is a gastro intestinal symptom that occurs when bowel movements are less frequent due to a harder stool which is more difficult to pass. Most people at some point in their lives will experience constipation. In most cases, constipation is only temporary and not serious. There are two types of constipation, with one being more severe than the other. Lack of fibre and water in the diet are common causes of slow transit constipation. One of the major symptoms of these types is dehydration.


Dehydration headaches can occur at the front, back, side, or all over the head. Pain maybe elevated when bending down or over to pick something up, or when climbing a ladder or stairs. Even walking can sometimes seem excruciating, depending on headache and dehydration severity.

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