The longest English word is not found in any dictionary!

Starting with, Methionylalanylthreonylserylarginylglycyl..." and ending with "...leucine", the longest word contains 189,819 letters.The longest word which basically means a protein name and found in our muscles which keeps our muscles elastic. A protein's name lists every single amino acid found inside it. Smaller proteins contain about 20 amino acids and this particular one contains 34,350! It is the human body's largest protein - listing out all the amino acids is what causes its long name. Moreover, a lot of scientists also tried to spell the whole word but failed so, they decided to give it a short name that is ‘ Titin’ being it is a scientific term it’s not found in any dictionary. longest words is a synonym for a shorter word, deliberately made long to mock long complicated scientific names. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is another name for silicosis (a lung disease) and is 45 letters long.

The next longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, something anyone who's seen Mary Poppins is familiar with. It's defined as being "extraordinarily good", though it's more of a nonsense word. It's 34 letters. In our text-message generation where most communication is aided by abbreviations and words are constantly being made shorter, it's not surprising that dictionaries are removing ancient unused long words.

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