The longest word in English is of 1,89,819 characters, it will take 3 and a half hours to read!

While people are usually difficult to read English words like Czechoslovakia, there is also a word in English that will take you three and a half hours to pronounce if you sit. So now you might be wondering what word it is, so find out about it...

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You will be surprised to know that the longest word in English contains 1,89,819 letters and it will take you three and a half hours to pronounce it correctly. This term is described as a chemical name for a protein called titin found in the human body. According to scientists, there are more than 20 million proteins present in the human body, which are made up of amino acids, and titin is the longest protein ever known in the human body, with more than 26 thousand amino acids.

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The chemical name of Titin was first placed in the English dictionary, though when it was later in trouble, it had to be removed from the dictionary and now known only as titin.

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