Know the special things about mysterious Naga saints and their lives

Jabalpur: Hearing the name of Naga saints, with tilak on his forehead, incineration on the body and speaking with a bolt, his fast and tenacity is such that devotees also become prostrate. Earth is their seat and the sky is their umbrella, apart from this they do not see anything that is included in their facility. These Naga saints, who are making themselves more attractive by meditating on themselves, are sitting in front of the Gwarighat Gitadham these days in Narmada Go Kumbh 2020. When people find the sun shining in the afternoon, then these Naga saints do spiritual practice by setting fire to the condes around them. His same practice also brings devotees to him. Neither talk much nor let people come near. Overjoyed in themselves, these saints are blessing the devotees throughout the day.

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During the Narmada Kumbh, the routine of these saints who came from different akharas is also different. Some do penance in the day and some in the night. If some fumigation is sitting there, some people are telling the solution to solve the problems of the devotees. Young people are more excited than Naga sadhus. When someone discusses how to get a diagnosis of unemployment, someone asks for a solution to worldly problems. It is not that the child does not feel like studying, such questions are also seen by parents. Even though Naga saints walk on the path of disinterest, but most of their devotees are worldly.

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In the promotion and propagation of Sanatan Dharma, four peeths - Sringeri in the south, Govardhan Peeth in Odisha Jagannathpuri in the east, Dwarka Sharda Peeth in the west and Badrikashram Astrology Peeth in the north were established by Adi Shankaracharya. Akharas were formed to protect these four benches. There are mainly 13 akharas in which 7 Shaiva, 3 Vaishnava sects and 3 nostalgic arenas are present.

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