The things are not as tense as before between Brangelina

The news of Brangelina's divorce shook everyone. Their separation became the headlines of every news channel. Also, their legal fight was proving so ill but now the things are getting calmer between them. 

A source says, "Things have calmed settled between Brad and Angelina. It's not as tense as it had been. They are focused on the kids and working to do what's best for them." 

Also added the source, "They recently started talking again and it's a significant step. Up until now, everything was through lawyers and assistants. They did not speak at all after the plane incident and everything that went down in the press." 

About Pitt, the source revealed, "Brad has been able to spend more time with the kids. He's doing well and is focused on healthy, clean living. He's in a good place. "Brad hopes that they can be successful at co-parenting and get to a place where they can be friendly. They both have agreed to put the kids first."

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