The worst food for your teeth

Even though the number of cavities has decreased significantly in recent decades, a large number of people, particularly children and adolescents, still suffer from this health issue.

To prevent tooth decay, your dentist has surely told you to brush your teeth frequently and go to the dentist on a regular basis. But did you know that diet also plays a big role in determining your oral health? Here’s a roundup of the worst and best food for your teeth.


Soft drinks:

In addition to promoting obesity, soft drinks are one of the worst foods for your teeth. High in acid and sugar, soft drinks attack your tooth enamel. If you drink them regularly, you’ll be putting your teeth at higher risk of dental erosion, sensitivity, and cavities.



Kids know they shouldn’t eat too much candy if they don’t want to get cavities. Loaded with sugar, candy, especially chewy candy—like caramel, taffy, and licorice—that sticks to your teeth are especially bad for your enamel.



They may not be as sweet as candy, but chips and crackers can be just as bad for your teeth. These starchy foods stick to your teeth, promoting tooth decay.


Dried fruit

It may be packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but dried fruit can be bad for your oral health. Sticky and sweet, dried fruit is a great food source for bacteria that cause tooth erosion and cavities.


Alcoholic beverages

It’s not the alcohol content in alcoholic beverages that’s bad for your teeth—the real culprit is actually the sugar. When the sugar in alcohol combines with the bacteria in your mouth, it forms plaque, a major risk factor for cavities.

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