These 5 places in the world are scriptures only for divine souls


Spirituality is something which helps a human soul to connect with the Almighty. Going temples, mosques and reciting prayers won't make you spiritual. The real connection can only be felt when you have a pure soul.

In the world, there are some places which are called the land of almighty. these places are something which makes you experience the supreme power.

We can also say that these places are formed only for those spirituals and those pure and divine souls who on a real note wants to connect with God.if you are on a spiritual journey and searching for some of the sacred places than here are some for you.


1. Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA

Mauna Kea is not just a volcano to native Hawiins. It is the connection between land and the gods.

2.  Mount Kailash, Tibet

Many make their way across the Tibetan plateau to complete a kora to clear bad karma of one lifetime.

3. Lourdes, France

when 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous had a vision of the Virgin Mary there. Since then more than 200 million people have visited the sacred place.

4. Old Jerusalem, Israel

One of the world's oldest cities is still in turmoil, but it is one of the most sacred places for three big religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 

5. Varanasi, India

India's River Ganges is the most sacred waterway. This is considered among the most spiritual places in India.

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