These Aasans are helpful for keeping the digestive system in the right posture

Today we're going to tell you about the method of foothandling. It helps you in digestion. If you want to do the right thing, do these postures that you are going to tell you about. Let's tell you what else to do about this posture.

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The way to do aasana

Stand upright and place your hands on the side of your body. Exhale the hip joints but be careful not to bend from the waist joints. Exhale while leaning down. Remember that like all the forward-bending postures, the foothandling has to lengthen the torso. Lean down and squeeze your hands under your feet. Fingers should be completely under the feet. Then breathe in, above the head and torso.

Breathe down the head and torso after breathing completely inside. As much as possible, move the trunk closer to the legs. Do not stop breathing at all while in the pedestal. When inhaled, lift the torso a little bit and try to lengthen it. When exhaling, try to bend forward and deeply.

Breathe in five times in total and release it outside so that you can stay in the pedestal for 30 to 60 seconds. Gradually, as your body grows strength and flexibility, you can increase the time not to do more than 90 seconds. Try to get your back straight. Keep the legs straight. Let your head hang comfortably so that your neck muscles are not stressed. Breathe in while bringing the torso up. Make sure that you keep your back straight and return from your hip joints.

Advantages of foothandling

- Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression.

- Helps in better functioning methodofies of the liver and kidneys.

- Creates the necessary stretching in the hamstring, shin, and hips.

- Strengthens the thighs.

- Improves digestion.

- Helps to reduce the symptoms of menopause (menopause).

- Reduces fatigue and anxiety.

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