These are the most dangerous places in the world

Many places around the world are famous for their art and beauty. If you are a wanderer and keep exploring new places, then traveling can be a great way to relieve your stress and learn new things. Usually, people like to go to hill stations or beaches, but if you want to experience something different and challenging, then here we will tell you about some of the most dangerous places in the world. By visiting these places, you can get a unique and dangerous experience, but keep in mind, that it takes a lot of courage to go to these places.

Death Valley, America

As soon as you hear the name of Death Valley, you must have guessed that it is dangerous. This Death Valley of America is also called the "Furnace of the Earth". The temperature here is so high that a human cannot survive here for more than 14 hours. Still, this desert attracts tourists from all over the world due to its unique and wild beauty.

Danakil, Africa

The Danakil Desert is located in Ethiopia, Africa and it is hard to believe it is like any other place on earth. There are active volcanoes here which emit poisonous gases. This place is so dangerous that it is considered like hell. The scorching heat and poisonous gases of the Danakil Desert make it one of the most dangerous places in the world.

Snake Island, Brazil

Snake Island, located off the coast of Brazil, is a very dangerous place. As its name suggests, there are plenty of snakes on this island. The snakes here are extremely poisonous and this island is considered the home of snakes. Due to security reasons, common people are banned from coming here, and only some special scientists can come here.

Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands is known for its beauty, but it is also a dangerous place. The level of radiation on this island is very high, which can cause serious diseases like cancer. Many nuclear tests have been conducted here, due to which this island is now full of radiation. For this reason, this place is considered very dangerous for health.


If you are fond of traveling which challenges your courage and bravery, then these dangerous places can be a perfect option for you. While traveling to these places, you will not only get adventure, but you will also get a chance to see some of the most unusual and dangerous places of human civilization.

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