THESE Challenges for Meghan Markle's New Lifestyle Brand 'American Riviera Orchard'

Meghan Markle is reportedly facing significant challenges with her new lifestyle brand, 'American Riviera Orchard,' as she struggles to find people willing to work with her due to her demanding nature, according to a royal commentator.

The Duchess of Sussex announced her lifestyle brand in March of this year, which is expected to focus on garden, home, and general lifestyle content. However, details about the company remain sparse.

Royal biographer Angela Levin shared with a British news channel that Meghan is at a "stalemate" with the business venture because she is having difficulty finding both a CEO and a chef to help run the brand.

Levin commented, "Meghan is very upset about what is happening with American Riviera Orchard. She is not happy with how the brand has been received. It is not moving forward. She has had a lot of trouble finding a CEO to run it for her and she is having a lot of trouble finding a chef."

The commentator further explained, "Some of them have gone along to see how it is but they say she is so meticulous about everything. She's so demanding and they don't really want that. These are chefs who have good jobs, and they're not people who are learning."

The brand is expected to offer a variety of products including fabric gift wraps, cocktail napkins, meditation maps, pillows for household pets, and more.

Reflecting on Meghan's expectations, Levin noted, "I think Meghan thought she would sail in with her brand, and everyone would think it was wonderful. Which she thinks a lot about herself. But actually, it's jolly hard work."

Despite the challenges, Meghan reportedly finds the name 'American Riviera Orchard' perfect and authentic to her. She is eagerly anticipating the launch of the brand's website and remains excited about her latest personal venture.

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