This footballer who got involved in doping issue is hero of his hometown today

Indian footballer Rana Gharami, who was caught in a doping issue a year ago, has now become a hero in his hometown by helping the needy during the Coronavirus epidemic. The former Odisha FC defender hails from Hooghly district in West Bengal. He was temporarily suspended by the National Anti-Doping Agency in April last year. This was the first issue in the Indian Super League of football to be banned. He returned after six months. He said, "It was a terrible past and I was very mentally disturbed. I don't want to miss her anymore. I even stopped picking up the phone at that time. ''

Unhappy with the suffering of the poor, daily wage labourers and rickshaw pullers during the Corona epidemic, contacted their childhood club Gargalacha Junior Sporting and set up a relief distribution camp. In the first phase, they distributed 150 packets. He said, "In the second phase I contacted my friends and helped 100 people more." He asked the families to distribute tokens and collect their packets, which included rice, lentils, oil, vegetables, soap and sanitizers. The Indian Super League (ISL) club Odisha FC has announced its support in Odisha's CM Covid-19 Relief Fund while supporting the ongoing fight against the Corona Vavirus epidemic crisis.

Anil Sharma, the producer and chief executive officer of GMS said, "This is a terrible situation for the whole world at this time. In such a situation, the leadership of CM Naveen Patnaik has done a great job for the safety of the people of the state." He said, "Odisha FC is proud to consider Odisha as its home. Odisha FC is donating to the CM Relief Fund with the hope that it will help people and their lives are the best."

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